rails Dockerizing a rails app part III Given the choice I would use docker in production but sometimes that option isn't available and deploys need to be managed using legacy tools. In the rails world that often means capistrano.
rails Dockerizing a rails app part II In this article I demonstrate how to set up a rails app to run capybara tests on a remote server using docker-compose. I also show you how to debug browser tests on your mac using its native vnc client.
rails Dockerizing a rails app part I As a consultant it's vital to be able to switch contexts between different application environments seamlessly to maximize productive time. In the age of Docker this has, thankfully, become easier that ever.
posgresql High availability and Disaster recovery with Docker and Postgres part II In part I we looked in depth at the services and libraries that are required to run a highly available postgres cluster on docker. This article will step through the process of deploying a test stack on various different hosts. You can find the referenced configuration file here. Step 1
docker Featured High availability and Disaster recovery with Docker and Postgres part I In this article I'll look at how to run a dockerized postgresql cluster with high availablilty and disaster recovery in mind.